Use the keyboard arrows or a game pad to move Cyrus.
ESC Brings up the menu.
CTRL Use active item
Attack with readied sword
Activate object or feature in the environment
Start speaking with another character
ALT [+ arrow] View
ALT Defend with sword
LSHIFT [+ arrow] Walk
S Quick Sword [draw or sheathe]
I Inventory
< Prev Item in inventory
> Next Item in inventory
L Logbook
M Map (only if you have the item)
H Quick Health [use healing potion]
TAB Walk Mode On/Off
F1 Version Info
F2 Save Menu
F3 Load Menu
F4 Display Menu
F5 Sound Menu
F6 Controls Menu
F7 Auto-Defend Mode On/Off
F9 Quicksave
Use the arrow keys or gamepad to move Cyrus. Whatever is displayed in the lower left corner of the screen is what the USE button will do.
If it is an ITEM, then Cyrus will try to USE the item (draw his sword, use a potion, etc).
If it is a PHRASE, then Cyrus will interact with the world. The phrase is dependent on what your active item is. For instance, a door may activate with "OPEN DOOR", but change to "UNLOCK DOOR" if you are holding a key.
Hold WALK while using the arrow keys to step slowly. You can also hold WALK and side-step left or right.
Hit JUMP to jump up and grab any ledges. You can also do standing jumps and running jumps.
Hold VIEW while moving the camera with the arrow keys to look around.
Either USE your sword or hit S to pull it out (S works no matter what your Active Item is).
When you have your sword out:
USE will attack.
VIEW will defend.
WALK with UP or DOWN will run.
WALK with LEFT or RIGHT will sidestep.
JUMP still jumps, but you cannot grab ledges with your sword out.
Hold both USE and VIEW down for a second, or press S, to put your sword away.
The game defaults to Auto-Defend ON, which means if you HOLD defend, Cyrus will time his blocks perfectly, provided you are not moving or attacking. Press F7 to turn this off. With Auto-Defend off, Cyrus will defend only when you press Defend. This makes the fights more challenging and interactive.
Basic Sword moves (A is attack)
A - slash
A,A - double slash
A,A,A - triple slash
A + Forward - thrust
Forward, Forward + A - lunge
Press I to open the Inventory screen. Here you can select new items and view everything you are carrying.
Press USE to select the item and close inventory.
Press VIEW to view a detailed model of the inventory item.
While VIEWING an item:
Arrow Keys will rotate
JUMP and arrow keys will zoom in and out
WALK and arrow keys will slide left and right or up and down